Sponsor Registration
Give kids the chance to experience the wonders of church camp. Camp Wesley Woods is honored and thankful for you willingness to be a sponsor for our tournament. Thank you for supporting the camping ministry!
Sponsorship Level Description:
Presenting Sponsor $1,000:
- Four players
- Logo and/or name on large tournament entrance banner
- Logo and or name on hospitality cart banners
- Publicity on the tournament page of CWW website, Facebook page and other promotional materials
- Publicity in the tournament playbook
- March 31, 2024 cut off for Presenting Sponsors to guarantee promotional visibility
Champion Sponsor $650:
- Four players
- Includes name on large tournament entrance banner
- Publicity in the tournament playbook
Hole Sponsor $200:
- Sponsor Sign
- Publicity in the tournament playbook
In-Kind Sponsor:
- We will appreciate in-kind donation, including door prizes or items that will be helpful for a successful golf tournament
*Sponsorship may be tax deductible where allowed by law
Please email completed form to: office@campwesleywoods.com
Mail completed form to:
CWW Golf Tournament
329 Wesley Woods Road
Townsend, TN 37882